When you become a Team Captain, you become a difference maker for your family and other families.
What Does It Mean to Be A Team Captain?
- Register your team
- Tell your family’s Why and Who
- It lets those you love, love you back
- Coach and motivate team members to participate and fundraise
- Organize and delegate team’s fundraising / logistics
- Encourage and recruit more people to join your team
- Attend a Team Captain Zoom meeting
- Communicate with all team members
- Spread the word of the AutismOklahoma Walk
- Share and Tag
- Engage in Team contests and conversations
If you need anything else, get in touch with Crystal at [email protected] we are here to help!
A Facebook Group Just for You
The AutismWalk Team Captain is a group just for you! Captains can come to find inspiration, share ideas and tips for successful fundraising events, ask each other questions, and seek advice.
Join the conversation today!
Click HERE
Recruit friends and family
However you choose to participate, get friends and family to join you – more people on your team means more people supporting your family.
Let those you love, love you back!
Raise money
Send emails and texts.
Set up a Facebook Fundraiser.
There are lots of ways to raise money for the AutismOklaghoma Walk.
Here are resources to make getting started easier.
Offline Donations Made Easy!
Just complete this form and mail it in with the check!
Celebrate at the AutismOklahoma Walk
Come together virtually or in person at the AutismOklahoma Walk event to support Oklahoma’s autism community, honor your family, and celebrate our 22 years of impact.
Make Your Child the AutismOklahoma Walk Grand Marshal and Ambassador
The top fundraising team’s child is crowned the Grand Marshal of the AutismOklahoma Walk and leads the walk riding in a decorated golf cart wearing their crown! Each year’s Grand Marshal becomes the AutismOklahoma Walk Ambassador for the next year’s event.
Make your team inspiration a STAR!
Once your team gets to $200, you’ll get a link on your page to upload your Team Star’s photo. Team stars will be displayed on your team page and our Team Stars webpage.