AutismOklahoma is LUCKY!
The oh-so popular Run Lucky 5K, facilitated by OK Runner, is now running to support AutismOklahoma. We know you want to run to support someone you love with autism, and we are thrilled to have the perfect way for you to do it!
Being named the beneficiary of the Run Lucky 5K is a dream come true for us and for you! So, lace up your shoes and start your training. The Run Lucky 5K will be here soon, and we want to cheer you on as you cross the Finish Line! Register by February 26th and it is only $25 for 5K runners, price increases after February 26th.
Race Day: Sunday March 9, 2025
Start Time: 2:00 p.m.
Where: Fassler Hall
Packet Pickup: Friday March 7th, 11:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. & Saturday March 8th, 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. @ OK Runner OKC (519 NW 23rd St Unit 104, OKC, OK 73103) RACE DAY March 9th 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (Fassler Hall)
All Participants receive a Run Lucky Tee, Finishers medal, Free Beer wrist bracelet, and Shamrock tattoos.
Register here….
Parking Event Site Map
Course Map
If you would like to participate in this event but do not want to run we are looking for volunteers to help with several roles.
Please check out the volunteer opporutnies for this event at the link below…

Sponsor levels are available
(These levels are only available for the Run Lucky 5K. They are NOT eligible for the AutismOklahoma Walk)
$250 – Company Name on back of event t-shirt and 1 free 5K entry
$500 – Company Name on back of event t-shirt, company can supply a flyer or promotional item for runners bags, and 2 free 5K entries
$750 – Company Logo back of event t-shirt, company can supply a flyer or promotional item for runners bag, and 3 free 5K entries
$1,000 – Company Logo on back of event t-shirt, company can supply a flyer or promotional item for runners bags, have a resource booth at the event, and 4 free 5K entries.
$2,500 Presenting (SOLD)- (Only ONE) Logo on Bib,water stop, back of event t-shirt, company can supply a flier or promotional item for runners bags, have a resource booth at the event, and 7 Free 5K entries.
If interested in sponsoring the Run Lucky please contact
Crystal Frost at 405-315-6337 or [email protected]
Click here to register to volunteer for the Run Lucky