We think you and your team deserve an award!

Earn badges for adding members, raising funds, and a community event all the way to Elite!

When you create your team, aim high!

Recruiting team members. Your team will receive a reward badge when your friends sign up on your team! We have badges for teams that have 5, 10, 25, 50 or more members!

Raising money!

You can also earn a badge for raising $100, $500, $1,500 or raise the roof and go for $2500!

Team and Facebook Events!

Team events build awareness and raise monies for your team. You can find ideas on our website. Garage sales, restaurant give-back nights, jean days at work, and lemonade stands are great examples. Your team will receive a reward badge when you host a team event. Just let us know about your event and we will help publicize it for you!

Facebook events earn you another reward badge. Facebook fundraisers are the easiest way to let those you love, love you back. Be sure your fundraiser is named after your team so all the dollars you raise are put on your team total after your campaign ends. Click here to start your Facebook fundraiser… https://www.facebook.com/fund/piecewalk/

Elite Team Badge!

The Elite Team Badge is reserved for teams that have at least $1,500 or more. All Elite Teams will also be placed on the Elite Wall of Fame and have access to the Elite tent at the event!